Monday, January 31, 2011


This is what  I saw when we were away for the weekend... this little one wanting to be held.
Ive been teaching her new words at every opportunity and she is so intrigued by speech she tries to say them soon after. My favourite time with her is the mornings when she wakes up and starts saying sentences. I know shes trying to tell me something important.

The boys went fishing for the whole day while us girls spent time op-shopping.
So we were all in a great mood. Zja scored a fantastic big pot for jam making or stove top dyeing, oh! the possibilities???...... but it ended up being used to clean the fish. 

Its time we got ourselves a new boat, perhaps one we all can sleep on? At the moment its a squish with four people trying to fish their hearts out.

Theres something about seeing red painted poles on jetties dont you think?

Elisha and I.... she knows how to work that camera. I appreciate any hints. Especially once I realised I only capture half the subject sometimes.
We spent a nice evening at the foreshore restaurant 'Wild Fish'. Their menu is amazingly good. Its becoming a family tradition to eat here every time we take the boat out.

Me and Zja.... oh and the Mr!
She and hubby find out what theyre having in four short weeks.

We're all a bit excited about that.

Zja is thinking 'girl' and I am too.

My giveaway finishes today for anyone who hasnt seen it yet.
Ill announce the winner tomorrow morning.

Friday, January 28, 2011

whats on your wall?

Yet another episode of Whats on Your Wall? Its all about 'blue' at my place.

Well... do you want to play?

a challenge

I stumbled across this challenge over at A Bowl Full of Lemons after reading my friend Samantha's blog  lately and on a whim decided to put my name on the list. I probably wont have much to offer all the other ladies who have joined in, as, even though I think I do lots of housework everyday, im not that organised, but ill be paying attention to all the hints and tips that come from others!
I really need the kick start when the weekly routine goes back to normal and im wondering what to do with all my spare time, hah.
I want to get organised! It sure sounds like the sort of thing that can get me motivated. Check it out. Before you know it, youll be joining along for the ride too.

the good the bad and the abcess

This is a bit of ramble about my year so dont read on if its a bit 'meh'. 
Blogs for me are all about the photos and the capturing of something so this is where the rave starts.
I dont know why I feel compelled to document these shots.
I just do.
They vary so much in feeling and emotive state and pretty much sum up my 2010.
Here's me, with Solomon behind the camera and ive totally retro-ed it but the thing is I remember thinking I was looking at him and really seeing him through the lens while he took it, plus im kind of glad he managed to capture me with my mouth closed as im always talking during photos.

Adelin took this of me in Bren's shirt and pj's when the boys and I went over to Perth, and were waiting for the wedding. I always start to wear his clothes when hes away. Does anyone else do that?
Yep...and im talking, like I said. Freudian slip.
But this was the evening we were waiting for our husbands, her future (my son) to get back from Cambodia. Bren and he had gone for some male bonding. The wedding was the next day. So this is full of emotive memories of a different sort. Long conversation and a sharing of our hearts.

Again Adi took this, but at the beginning of the year when we didnt know what was ahead. When we were just getting to know each other. She had come to visit us for two weeks and Navarh had proposed.
To me its a very light hearted raw image and I like it. I remember being happy on this day of summer. We had spent hours by the pool.
She takes photos I like because I feel uninhibited in front of the camera with her. I think I always will, because were real friends already.

This one should have been a 'sign'.  The dog has neck rolls and I failed to notice til it was too late. 
We both need to exercise more. Ive taken him on a long walk this morning after getting up early and walking the Mr to the train station. Im starting to love how im so bad at capturing what I want in a shot to only to end up getting half of either subject.

And this has to be the best 'in the rain shot' of me and my youngest just simply having some fun after a late dinner in the city while a grumpy person (who I wont mention) looked on and wasnt included in the moment. He's not in the shot and he would have fitted in the gap we left if only he wanted to. I dont think he likes getting wet or something. So be it. I like how this reinforces that we do look like mother and son from certain angles.

Another honest shot by Adelin. No wonder Bren thinks im going bald. Oh, he hates these sunnies too but im not sure if I care. He says they are too wide for my face, which they are, but I can live with my small head even if he cant. Oddly it gets wider in the next photo along.

And now for the abcess!
I was in so much pain for the first couple of weeks of this year while we moved house.
All up I think it took 23 van loads, (not that we knew it would when we started). Alot of stuff got shifted by me and the kids while Mr TL was at work, and a couple of trailers for the piano and our long table. I was so excited about the move and the new house that I wanted to do it as a challenge or to get in shape or something. Plus for the first opportunity ever in all of our multitude of moves I deluded myself into thinking that I could set up house and take my time sorting things out while Bren was working. I didnt reckon on doing it with a toothache.... and lifting heavy things all day long isnt good for you.

I realise im a bit late posting about my year as some of you have already rounded yours up nicely and listed the things you would like to achieve for 2011. I dont know what I want to achieve yet. Im a bit lost as I havent been writing lists or anything lately. Just been keeping my head above water with production for the next markets and some orders but things feel like they are moving and I like that feeling.

How are things going at your place? Has your year started in the way you wanted it to?
Its hard to get into any sort of rhythm as its still school holidays but have you planned what youll be doing on their first day back? I have! 

'Whats on Your Wall?' will be posted here later today if you want to play along this week.
I hope you do!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

my creative space

This week ive been trying out a new pattern ive made for girls pinafores.
Im loving doing these and ill definitely make them an all season staple at Little Tree Kids with some velvets for winter.

Ive started quilting this cot quilt this morning. I tried to start it monday but got totally side tracked with the new dresses and its been floating around the dining room ever since.
Ive promised myself ill finish it this week.
I need to get all of my own quilts out of the way so I can start some new ones for the market.
 I have two more orders in the making so im pretty excited about spending more time quilting.

If youre wondering what everyone else is up to head here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

this boy can sew

My 16 year old needed some shorts.
(warning content may offend)

Styles like this are roughly $70-$80 in surf shops.

Everytime were out shopping I tell him we'll make our own.

 He believes me now.

 I cut out one pair (he wants four) and showed him how to make his own pattern.

I forced him to sew some seams and he is GOOoood.

Well... I was looking at his face... when I took this.
The word smug comes to mind.
He is off out the door for another day in his fleetingly short teenage life.
He had swagger.
I KNOW it was his new shorts.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tree cover giveaway

I can finally give my giveaway a name!
A Tree Cover Giveaway.

Because at last, after much dilly dallying, ive made a cushion cover!

Its been running for quite some time already and youve all been wonderful and patient through the holiday season for me to come up with something worthy.

Thanks to all who have inspired me with their confidence but a special thanks must go to Abbe from Copper Patch who insisted (nicely) that I make something with a tree on it. Thanks Abs! Without your great suggestion I would never have honed in on that awesome japanese tree quilt and thought to sew this. The inspiration came from the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival set on Flickr.

Ive used a blanket for texture and then different vintage and craft prints for the mix. The back is a soft cotton velveteen with an envelope opening. Ive managed a bit of a photography for a tutorial, while putting it together, if anyone is interested?

During this time ive crossed the threshold of a hundred followers too! Thanks for the boost!

The post for the giveaway is here if you want to be in the running, ending the last day of January,
monday the 31st. Ill announce the winner on tuesday morning.

Monday, January 24, 2011

whats in my bag

Id already done a post today but then I was doing some banking and looked back at Blogger to find Kate was asking us 'whats in our bag?'.
What the hey...

a pen
a minties wrapper from Zjahlii's lolly stash
a clothing label I liked but now dont
deodorant (my fave for summer)
a key I was supposed to give zjahlii for a buffet I bought her
movie night demand for a 'girly one please'
necklace of a tree painted on a butterfly wing
phone (my life is in there!)
hair tie
vintage sunnies kept in my TinyHappy pouch (I have three as I love her work)
train tickets from the cricket (dont laugh, we had a corporate box invite)

pretty boring compared to Kates!

Ive got my own meme going on here if you want to show off
'Whats on your Wall?'


Here is the freshest shot of our daughter in law and new grand-daughter!
She suits being pregnant dont you think?

Does anyone know where I can find some nice organic cotton in muted tones to make maternity and babywear? Id like to get my hands on some really soon.

These lovely people will be coming to live with us soon so there will be
a huge re-shuffling at our house to make room for baby.
My sewing studio will be pulled apart and ill be back in the laundry as that room will
become number four's bedroom again.

Weve spent the weekend going through the house and shed and this is just the start.
My studio is sorted due to lots of encouragement from the Mr. I needed it as I was struggling all last week to streamline things.
After much ado about nothing ive decided I need to tackle my mending so ive left it on my sewing table in piles sorted by colour. I hope this works. I intend to do a colour everyday until its done in between some new eskimo jackets. For you ladies who are waiting on these im sorry for the delay in the making. It seems ive slowed right down with everything. starting them today!

There is also an art workshop happening at our place tonight. We havent been getting to art classes
 lately so are holding our own!
It should be a fun night with close friends.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

whats on your wall?

This weeks 'Whats on Your Wall?' is two days late! Sorry guys!
I seem to be chasing my tail this week.
But at least I didnt completely forget.

Im posting my first painting I ever did this week.
I copied her from an old masters painting called Eileen. I dont remember the artist. Its still waiting for its coat of glaze after about ten years. Its still very raw and not even under glass for now.
I love portrait painting. I feel as if its such an intimate process. Id like to do alot more one day soon.
 Of people that I actually know!
I wish I had a print of the original because Id like to hang them side by side. I love when you see that.

Well, would you like to join in and show me a favorite piece?

Heres the link

Thursday, January 20, 2011

shop update

size 3-4

Im just posting these in here to help me keep track as well as sharing with you.

 Production and photo taking is slow as im totally scatterbrained this week.

Ive been busy in the garden today, mowing lawns, despite getting off to a slow start (thanks meter man for helping me work out how to get the lawnmower going) and tidying up the studio, (still going), being interrupted by umpteen phonecalls even though I refused to answer them all, sorry if youve tried calling today and youre reading this now. 
What was I saying? 
Oh yeah.
Here's a couple of green dresses that are new.

size 2

Im moving into the oranges and browns next.
Have to keep changing the darn cotton for top-stitching, you see.

Apologies for not posting 'Whats on your Wall?' lately.
Its just that we keep going away for the weekends and when I remember, its too late.
So... sorry. There will be one for tomorrow though!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

my creative space - from skirt to shrug

This is something I made the other week when it was hot and I needed to go out for the evening and all I had to wear was my usual favourite black cardigan. I wanted something colourful so looked in the wardrobe and decided to chop up this silk skirt that I was only using for layering every now and then.

This is what I did in a real hurry as I needed to leave soonish.
I pre-stitched the elastic ends so they wouldnt retreat into the casing
before slicing the skirt in half up the centre.

its a nice designer silk,

Next I joined the hems together and these would become a central seam from the neck down to waist.
Then I stitched the armholes from the elastic to 1/4 way along the opening.

I left the edges raw as I was rushing but now I prefer them that way.
All in ten minutes and its been worn to death ever since.
Dont you love when that happens?

Im adding this post to 'my creative space' as im in the garden today (thursday)
and have gutted the studio yesterday and am still going with a really big tidy up.

Im glad youre back Kirsty!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

shop update

This evening im updating the shop with eleven new wraps of different sizes. Im hurriedly trying to photograph them as the natural light fails.
Here is just a glimpse of what will be on offer.

And just in case youre wondering if this is my favourite....well, I havent decided yet.

tuesday treasures

bird book for 10cents

I really try not to go op-shopping too much unless I need to go scouring for something in particular.
This week I needed more doileys for ladies wraps and a couple of blankets for some more eskimo jackets.
When I made the wrap dresses I sorted the doileys into summer weight ones and winter weight (thicker). Im fast running out of the fine summer ones and since we went away to the country to see our daughter and her hubby on the weekend I was close to some good local oppys.
I didnt find doileys or blankets but I did find these wonderful things.

So today im joining in with Tuesday Treasures over at The House on the Side of the Hill.

vintage sheets

and a fantastically huge case for the market.
Maybe I should keep it in the car for the next stash
of op-shopping goodies?

Thanks for hosting Melody!

Friday, January 14, 2011

three new dresses

size 12

I worked into the night trying to complete these next dresses
and then had to do a bit
of unpicking as I started making mistakes as my eyes failed me, so I waited and put
 the finishing touches on them this morning.
Late night sewing is only good when youre not tired and you are using light coloured fabrics, I suppose.

size 10

size 12

Im off to a friends place to sew today so I dont get distracted by my washing and housework that is mounting up, and by that, I mean my washing is a mountain while I try to restock and finish these orders.

So happy with what ive achieved though.

These will be in the shop later today!
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