Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ive had my short intermission interstate and today will be about trying to land here at Textured Leaf.
The dread of what we had to face will soon be a distant memory as we find my brother a new house close to family. All in all things went smoothly enough, despite the exhaustive heat, now that we are out the other side and looking back.

Throughout the last week there were many opportunities to have a laugh at the stuff he just simply doesnt throw away.

 I thought it would be down to mum and I to battle through the mounds and mounds (while he was asleep mostly) but that wasnt so. We had huge help from my niece, Christie, for the whole first day and even into the night. That bumped our time frame so far forward that we were able to opshop for an entire day. It is because of her input that it will make it easy to look back on this time as, dare I say, fun? Thankyou from the depths of my heart, Christie.
You rock!

Mum and I had a chance to stay with her close friend and we were well looked after.

Two doors down still stands the original family home my uncle and aunt used to own.

If I knew there would be enough room in the van on the return trip I would have bought this although im still unsure of why it appeals to me so much.
I think it reminds me of something but cant put my finger on what.

This is a very hot, bothered, sweaty and tired but happy me, having found this haul of blankets in the one opshop, can you believe it.

Well that was my week rounded up but right now its all about washing and folding and lots of normal which suits me perfectly and a pot of chai on the stove would be even perfecter.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


These are a couple of eskimos I managed yesterday before I head off interstate with mum for a few days to help my brother move house.
So needless to say, I wont be online for a few days.

The reality is that my brother is a hoarder. I have struggled all week with thoughts on how to approach someone who doesnt throw anything away. I feel as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders and people are relying on me, especially mum, who is a spritely 76, but that doesnt make her any younger. We know we have a battle on our hands.
The Mr is driving over to get us on the weekend and hopefully by then we will have everything in order and just be whittled down to a van full of items. At this point im hopeful that we can achieve the impossible in a few short days. The skip has been ordered for when we arrive so as soon as were off the plane it will be all systems go.

Like I said, im being hopeful.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

eskimo production

So far this is where im at with the eskimos for market this weekend. All of which are not quite finished.  This is where I start to struggle. Do I, at this point, try to finish them one by one or do I stupidly attempt to make as many as I can while im within range of the sewing machine? Its usually the latter.

So tomorrow you can see me handsewing the buttons on down at Boneo market from 8 til 12 noon. Its a large market of between 150 and 200 stalls and ive heard good things about it.

Lately ive been making lots of pockets using old napkins and hankerchiefs in this style. They are quick to do.

In other news today I received a nice bundle of crocheted doileys from the other side of Port Phillip bay which was wonderful. Thanks Jo! They will be put to good use around here thats for sure.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

fun, finds and family

 A spot of opshopping for more blankets led to a coffee stop with the youngins who happened to be closeby, cuddles with Violet, then we finished up by loading the van with some 1940's dining chairs for their new cottage. The Mr is doing what should be the last load of things to their place and thats why im quickly penning this in haste while he is gone. While the cats away...

The Mr is taking a crash course in pattern making and cutting in order for me to boost eskimo jacket production.
Its his day off and even though we got started late we are fully into it now.
If he can figure out how to do eskioms he will be good to cut out anything after these. They are a bit tricky for a beginner.
Since he is so keen ive just worked on a new design for babies
which ill show you later once the sample is to my liking.

Catch you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

slow day

I spent the day slowly. Slowing down does not come naturally to me.
I took the time to set things right with the shops. Fine tuning.
I think new banners will be in order soon but I dont know where im headed with that yet and deciding on a new font takes me way too long as they never have just the right one. I may pen my own, in fact, once I work out how.

Its been a long time since ive been over to Picasa to make a mosaic as well, so I may sneak in time to make one before picking the Mr up at the train in an hour. I enjoyed seeing the range with all the sewingy details in this way once upon a time. Nice to look back on. Sometimes I have the thought that what im offering looks quite disjointed, especially with summer and winter ranges mixed together so a mosaic defines the style and season and gives me visual boundaries, which I need, believe me.
Otherwise I get caught up in the 'make' without any pre thought to how it will look either as an etsy page or at market. The foibles of using vintage cloth im afraid. Its not like I can choose what ill find, now is it?

The Mr has just now sent me a message saying he was lucky enough to grab a cab with another colleague so im off the driving-to-pick-him-up hook.
Picasa here I come!  

textured leaf shop update

Ive finally photographed the cushions and they will be in the shop by days end. Oops, should have spent more time straightening up that bent corner, oh well... moving along....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

i thought of something

Okay, so I should have made this a matter of some thought before now but ive been busy with my head full of makings and only just now have come up with a name I love enough for my hoods and thought id pop in here to tell someone.

Im calling them Hoodwinks.

The story goes that when im at market some customers ask if I have knitted them?! only to then pick one up and discover they are upcycled instead, while im coercingly trying to explain why I dont knit, usually asking them whether they do. So in a way ive unwittingly hoodwinked them, havent I? Perfect!

home work

This is the first time I have ever had a spare bedroom in a house and I can hardly contain myself. If only it wasnt so darn hot I would be in there now, head down b*m up decorating, putting fresh linen on the bed in expectation of the arrival of a guest or two. 

This morning the Mr and I began clearing my sewing things out of his new studio space which was where my studio used to be. I bet he will come home from work tonight and beeline for it. It was good to watch him playing and undoing his boxes that have been stored away since we moved.
Im certain he is thinking he will begin painting again. The funny thing about living with an artist is they dont always paint or sketch or draw. He has to find that untangible zone first and working a full time job makes it a difficult thing for him to find and hold onto.

The other exhilarating event happening here is that the teenager is ready to give up the loft space.
Gone are the quadruplemillionenth dots of Blue-tac, blowfly carcasses have been sucked into oblivion along with a lonely orange jelly bean from that november food fight (I threw from below while he dodged), found are the twentythree odd socks that were missing, books have been returned to the shelf and dvds put back in their rightful home.

The view of tree tops as far as the eye can see is glorious.

But ill make you feel sorry for me yet, because im now having to deal with this pile of everything I didnt know about that my teenage evacuee threw downstairs in what is a very unfair cleanup.

So I sit here eating my sandwiches (photo inspired by Evee) with the dog watching on while doing another upload of wrap, pinafore and shoulder tie dresses to the shop. I had, at last count, fourteen to add!

The latest from my nannas trusty old machine.
If she only knew the enormity of her gift....

Monday, January 16, 2012

shop update - eskimos

girls size 6

Just trying to do a quick shop update for the week.
This is my favourite of this batch and possibly the nicest mix of fabrics ever. I wish id bought more of that norwegian folk fabric every time I use it. I will never get sick of seeing it.

boys size 7

boys size 4

boys size 3

girls size 2

Ive tried to concentrate on providing some boys jackets this week before I get too carried away starting the girls.
They should be in the shop tomorrow.

rose street artists market

Saturday was the first time we would be at Rose Street Artists market.

 But before I tell you about that 'first', I admit to being nicely anxious about meeting a certain mother of three little girlies. The wonderfully earthy Kate from Foxs Lane. A first of a different kind. It was splendid to finally say hello in person, Kate, and next time maybe we will have longer than fifteen minutes? Perhaps without my Bren looking at his watch? Well, we were late setting up so just as well for me that I have my own personal white rabbit.

You might need to call me Eliza Dolittle from now on because by George I think ive got it.
After I have finished setting up for market these days, (the last two weeks, that is), I am really, incredibly satisfied with how everything looks and feels. Finally, finally.

I have also, in a small way, become a stockist of sorts. I have a talented friend who is unwinding some knitted old pure wool jumpers, hand dying them with vegetables and plants, then crocheting them up into little peoples bonnets and beanies, headbands and hairties. 

The Mr had his artwork at the entrance but we both conclude he needs to take the plunge now and get his own stall. Anything to spur him to do artwork rather than watch tv will be fine by me. 

And these here are the Mr's cushions you are seeing!
We spent all of friday morning and a bit too big chunk of the afternoon (I should have been concentrating on eskimos) doing a range of larger sized ones made from embroideries we brought back from our trip to Vietnam and Cambodia last year. They are hand embroideries from the hill tribes and we both fell in love with them. We have a whole suitcase full and intend to offer these as homewares in The Textured Leaf Shop.

Me, im just sticking with these patchyworked ones for now as they are so enjoyable to put together. But then in saying this I do have another simple but beautiful idea for an accent cushion for the bedroom so I guess I lied.

I have to admit having Dorothy Bills quilts (hanging on the left) makes me look like im a fully accomplished quilter. Eleesa does the most amazing job with her wares and she was going to come to sew/play today but neither of us were organised enough to follow through. Ill let you find out what ive been doing instead in my later-on-today post. 
'See you in two weeks when the kids are back at school, Eleesa!'

Lucky cushions are not heavy as the dairy baskets alone are awkward to load and unload and I dont know if I would have enough energy to cope by myself when im so tired from late nights spent restocking. I really, really need to get to bed before midnight, at the very least before a market. A meagre four hours sleep this time, the Mr woke at five to get the youngins from the airport and I couldnt get back to sleep so got up and proceded to make more things.

Apologies for the glut of posts regarding markets these days but I truly need to document to keep me going.
When I kind of get 'over it' on certain days I have recently taken to looking back over the year to see how far ive come and it is helping me focus in lots of different ways. 

There will be a shop update later on today too but right this moment im off to play in my newly half empty house. More to come.

Happy house zsuzshing to you all!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

eskimos circa 2012

Ive begun the inuit journey here again at TTL. Im using up the rest of the wools from last years stash and have started to cut into newly found blankets too which is exciting and daunting all at once. You might recognise this orange stripe from way back.

The pink and blue with lilac stripe is straight from the local this week.
Almost straight from the van to the table actually. The Mr helped me cut out last night but he didnt last fifteen minutes being tired and all. He managed to cut out this size one outer though.

They will be available for sale in the shop if they arrive back home from saturdays market.

Little Tree Kids will be at the Rose Street Artists Market in Fitzroy on Saturday from 11 til 5.

In other news I finally retrieved my camera battery from my girlfriends wall and will be posting the upcycling of the blue dress as promised, in the next couple of days if anyone is interested.

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