Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A really folksy bedroom for you this time from Country Living again. It looks to me that what ties this look together are the animal artworks as a theme. Lovely if you have a little girl whos into animals and dont want to go down the dolphin or Disney track of decorating.

Bees Knees

Ive joined Bees Knees Books so I can keep up to date with the latest kids books from all over the world.
Ill be reading a lot of bedtime stories to Mali over the next few years.

Don't Lick The Dog (Making Friends with Dogs) is a new book by Wendy Wahman. It teaches kids how to interact with unfamiliar dogs with silly rhyme and humor. The illustrations are wildly outrageous which make it even more fun to read to kids.

Monday, March 29, 2010

boys pants etsy order

I had an order for a couple of pairs of boys pants.
No problem (thought me)
Well....they took me about four hours.
I just wasnt thinking straight this day. So many things went wrong.
Here are just two examples of complete stuff ups. These were while I was still happy enough to take some shots of my (un)progress. There were more. Many more.

This is me pinning the pockets on BEFORE I had sewn the top down!
I was walking back and forward from the back room to my machines.
I was going a bit nuts.

Here is my second attempt, see the top has been neatly stitched FIRST this time. Much better.
I was getting all hot under the collar. The more I had to unpick.... the more mistakes I was MAKING.

I stupidly decided that they would look better with some top-stitching on the INSIDE of the leg.

Have you ever found yourself in this sticky situation?

They turned out beautifully in the end.

Im pretty sure the only thing that didnt go wrong was breaking a needle.
Im way too experienced for silly things like that!

bedroom inspiration

Another bedroom from Country Living for you to feast your eyes on.
This one had me at the shade of green on the floor.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunday was about .....

we had to go somewhere today
and there were other things that we could be doing
but this
this was all about family
and responsibility
and for about half an hour or so there was a special closeness
where my youngest
the one who shouldnt be that good at such niceties
he had his arm around me
for about half an hour
nothing was said
nothing needed to
it was nice
it was a gift from somewhere else
im thankful

Saturday, March 27, 2010

betz white

            I really, really, really, like this blog. It ticks all the boxes that I dont. Or the other 'me' does.

Friday, March 26, 2010

once upon an irish home

In a quiet lane in Ireland stands a house that was once a home
and a garden that was once loved and played in
a window with a view someone looked out upon everyday
 with water pots at the back door for household animals
and brambles that were unclipped and left to run wild
a house that was filled with laughter and music
touches of love exist where you see the colour of painted blue
applied by a careful hand long ago
through a window curtains still sway in the breeze
 forgotten ornaments remain on the mantelpiece
 dishes drying on the sink waiting to be put away...

Every house has a story all of its own...

bedroom inspiration

Over at Country Living there are a fair few bedrooms and some of them with things you may not have seen done before. Im going to share the ones that caught my eye with you over the next few days when I have nothing else to offer, (Im hoping to catch up on some housework) like this one above with multiple artworks hanging over the bed.
 I loved the feel that this evokes of a gallery. Country scenes like these are fairly easy to source at op-shops and they look wonderful hung in a group like this, in all their mis-matched glory, dont you think?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dorothy Bills giveaway!

Hey all you girls who need just one more pin-cushion. Head on over to Dorothy Bills and snag yourself a chance to win one of her beautiful creations. I assure you, you wont be dissapointed if youre the winner of one of three she is giving away.

Speaking of pin-cushions .....I was the lucky recipient of this from Leonie at Raglan Guld.
And I mean Lucky!

Meet Helena. She will never be lost under a pile of fabric.
How divine is she?  I have no words.
Theres no way ill be sticking pins in her anytime soon.
Sorry Leonie, but she and I will be getting to know each other first over many cups of tea.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I think im on a roll

This is the custom ordered dress I made. This one took longer because there was a bit more love put into it. I like to take my time and not rush the process when I know whos recieving something of mine.

Monday, March 22, 2010

from dishes in the morning to being tucked in at night

Ive been given a Kreative Blogger Award by the sunniest of them all, Sara from In The Light Of The Sun. I have to share 7 things about myself and then pass the Award on to 7 more unsuspecting ladies.

1*  I actually enjoy doing the dishes in the morning. I can think about my day and it helps me focus on the important things while doing something brainless. Only in the morning mind you, not necessarily any other time of the day.

2*   Im allergic to raw onions. They make me really ill. Once I was ill for 2 whole days. I can have cooked ones and I never leave them out when im cooking at home. If an onion is really strong I can become ill from just chopping it and getting the juice on my hands.

3*   I can watch the same movie over and over and cry at the same moments over and again. Its kind of an enforced torture. I dont enjoy crying one little bit but realise its healthy. I even have my husband in on it now. We watch 'P.S. I Love You' whenever the mood takes HIM!

4*  I put fresh linen on our bed twice a week for that hotel freshly made feel, even though I cant keep up with the washing/folding as it is. Its my one true luxury, nothing beats it for me.

5*   I still tuck my kids in when I get the urge. Thats full tucking in with neck to foot scrunching of blankets. My mum used to do this with me and im keeping up the family tradition. (In case this is your first visit to my blog and you dont know how old my kids are... they are 15 and 17 year old boys.)

One of my favourites of when they crashed on the couches soon after we started moving house. Dont they look like they still need to be tucked in?

   (Oops I had stopped at 5 the other night and I have no idea why?)
heres the other 2, duh.

6*   I have at least 50 things on the go, in different stages of creativeness, at any given moment in time. I dont like this fact about myself one little bit and am trying to learn to see it in a good light. I have tried over the years to whittle the list down but I only end up getting the most vibrant, irrational burst of enthusiasm to start something new and then the list skyrockets out of control. Very frustrating.

7*   Im trying to become, (turn myself into) a morning person. I find it incredibly difficult to get dressed in the morning and wander around the house in denial that ill have to get dressed at some stage. It doesnt help that our shower here at this new/old house is scalding hot and I burnt my stomach and feet the first time I used it. Its one of those ones that you have to adjust one millimetre at a time.

Thanks Sara for nominating me and here are my picks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

five faves

Im playing along with Pip over at Meet Me At Mikes and listing my Five Faves.

The first has to be to this house that since seeing it has cemented in me a whole new level of how id like to build. Its pretty unforgettable.

The favourite thing I did this week was get back to my sewing so im loving the stuff Ive been making and the process.

The song 'Start wearing purple', by Gogol Bordello. But I dont know how to do a link for it sorry/scrap that I do now thanks to Sara. They are a gypsy punk band but dont let that stop you from checking them out.

Seeing Eleesa's favourite childhood photo of herself in her amazing dress that her Nanna made.

Nat Geos Madventures on Foxtel. The guy who does this series is so earthy and hilarious. Im trying to find out if he does anything else. So if you know of anything let me know. Apologies to anyone who doesnt have the channel.

Friday, March 19, 2010

pay it forward

I found this today at somewhere along a winding path and decided it would be great fun to join in.

Here's what happens:

~I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people who comment on this post.
~I have 365 days to do it in…
~What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise!

The catch is that you must participate as well:

~you must have a blog
~and before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going.

Just cut and paste this one if you like, which I did!

I can't wait to hear from the first three people who would like to join in!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

my creative space

I had an order for my etsy shop this week so I thought Id make a couple of extra pieces for a shop update while I was in the mood.
Check out what everyone else is up to over at Kootoyoo.

the best salad ever

Last night I chopped herbs, sliced vegies, shredded chicken and made dressing all in 15 minutes!
 This recipe was destined for my table.

This was a night for a tablecloth,
a night to christen our newly set-up dining room

a night to push the never ending washing pile to the other end of the table

it looks smaller from here, ill sit at this end thanks

so what did they say?
'this is the best salad ever'

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the hostess

Have you found Stephanie Conley yet? Next time I dont know what to do for dinner (tonight) her blog will be first on my list. Actually I dont really have a list.

Im trying this one tonight, for Vietnamese Chicken Salad.
                           She has armfuls of simple recipes that even I will enjoy cooking. I quickly scrolled through her first page of amazingly easy recipes and was delighted to find that I already had most things on hand waiting in my pantry cupboard!

                         I might have to buy a piece of fish here or a bunch of herbs there, but most I had!


Be sure to pop on over. Theres not a moment to lose.
Im off to get some mint and coriander.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

bedroom inspiration

I havent got much to say today other than its hot and we spent the morning tidying the yard and stacking the new/old shed from this lovely lady full of stuff that we probably should be selling off or its going to sit there for 3-5 years.

Reading my emails I stumbled upon some more bedroom inspiration so I guess I have a theme going. This is a boys room from Ohdeedoh. Yes, you read correctly. B. O. Y .S
Complete with a patchwork quilt and a kind of surf thing going on judging by the colours. Love this! and Ill be showing my guys tonight to see if they approve.

Also I found this really groovy look from Country Living.
This look could be boyish too.
I think Ill post more when I have been busy doing things that are too boring to mention.
Yes...yes I will.

Monday, March 15, 2010

a surprise weekend away

We got a late phone call on Thursday night inviting us away for the weekend. The cabin had been booked and all we had to do was get in the car with a change of clothes and a bit of bedding and go.
I wasnt feeling that great but of course I was going!
Cuddles with my grand-daughter for 2 days. Heavenly. 

My daughter and I got dropped off by our lovely
 (but very keen to get out on the boat) hubbies at a random country town in Vic while they went fishing.

It was raining so we had reservations about leaving the warmth of the car, especially with baby, in the rain.
We were on the hunt for op-shops but werent holding our breath.

I told her not to worry and if all else failed at least we could have lunch at the pub.

To the girl running barefoot full pelt down the street in your evening dress,

sorry, but you were funny.

I wanted to capture everything we passed because if the fishing was bad our visit might be shortlived.

The gorgeous colours and architecture, (why does everything look better when its raining?)

typography of another era,

kooky mosaics of yet another era

looking up to see aging forms of shop fronts,
even if I was slowing down the hunt.

I knew there had to be one at least, there always is isnt there?
Thats her in the background waiting patiently.

We didnt have to worry about baby after all,
what, with all that colour and fabric to feel and touch.
A nice big bag of goodies, (the bottom of the pram was chockas as well).

This shop was closed....
 cos those two unusual side tables were just a little bit too swedish and very tempting to try to squeeze into the car. Im famous for buy now, think later. Even when im overseas.

We stopped for a chai and berry pancakes at a friendly, old-fashioned-service cafe that I now wish id written the name of for here. 

Then we found our second op-shop.
Yay! more goodies.
We split everything down the middle, Zja and I.
Thats pancakes,
and fabrics we find.
 We go home (our cabin for the night) and get the scissors out
(freshly purchased at the local IGA as I forgot mine, plus Zja needed a haircut)
and slice most of our stuff in half.

Its a buzz when we get back together down the track to see what weve individually done with our halves.
I might line a hood where she may make a whole dress.
Packing the car to go home wasnt so fun.
Fishing hooks and vintage fabrics are not a good mix.

What did you end up doing this weekend?

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