Tuesday, October 19, 2010

before and after: haircut

 He wanted mug shots of before and after his haircut so ive snuck them on here for Blogtoberfest for a bit of fun.


Boy, does he look like his father here! Minus twenty years.

He'll want to see these next time I cut his hair because it. always. has. to. be. perfect.
'I want it like last time'
He holds the mirror and directs me while I cut kind of perfectionism. This is why going to the hairdressers is out of the question. He wouldnt have the control.

I even have to take shots while im cutting to let him view them before I cut too much off. Thats when I had the genius idea of showing you all. Payback.

He did the cutest thing while I was cutting. He made a little nest to show me. They are still little children on the inside even when they are trying to be so big and grown-up, arent they?

If you havent seen my pin-cushion giveaway its here!


willywagtail said...

Amazing how much boys care for their looks. I'm waiting for the year/decade when my son gets his hair cut but I'm sure it won't be by me. Love the nest ide. Cherrie

The Moerks said...

I love it. The nest is so sweet. What a handsome young man!

PaisleyJade said...

My mum is a hairdresser so I totally know where you are coming from!! Very cool hair.

Elisha said...

good job Wen, you want to cut my hair???

Sally said...

Uber cool haircut! Nice work.

dorothybills..... said...

Oh he is a spunky Lad! By the way he looks like you...check out your profile pic!

small forest said...

OH mY goodness! woohoo! he does! I never EVER nOticed before! Far the hell out! Im stopping now, sorry.

zofia said...

These are wonderful pics of your boy Wendy.
You do a good cut you do!

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