We looked at a place yesterday which I found lovely but strangely disquieting at the same time. Is that even possible? It was a new experience for me and I didnt really know what to think until we talked it through on the way back home.
This house had cool architectural detailing, high ceilings, storage, outlook and everything that we needed in order to down size ( this is our second attempt by the way).
I was merrily snapping shots for the Mr. (who wasnt on-board with the househunt until today as he is having a bad week at work) and then I decided to stop. Just like that. I decided I didnt like it. The potato didnt like it either. It had been painted a pale green grey inside which is always odd if you ask me. One room maybe, but a whole house is weird. I couldnt get away from the colour fast enough. We went outside to see the garden, I still hadnt voiced anything I was thinking to the teenager, just happy being outside and away from, well in.
Then I went back in and tried to like it.
The laundry was fine but I couldnt live in only the laundry.
The colour had me emotionally kind of blank.
Oh but the bones of the place, surely...we..could just...Nope. No No and definitely not.
I drove straight to the real estate office and told them to paint it. Yes I did!
I know, I know, too front-on right? She even kind of listened the poor thing. Thought I was mental, but listened politely.
I couldnt help myself. I truly believe that anyone renting the place will end up depressed. Am I wrong? I mean the green I mention isnt even on a colour chart.
We viewed another place today. We all got up early for the viewing which is astounding. The guys didnt have breakfast first. They always eat before they go anywhere.
This other place was apricot! It wasnt until I went upstairs for the second time that I even realised.
We wont be applying for this one either.
Could you rent somewhere where you didnt like the colour?
Really didnt like?
What colour are your walls?