Wednesday, September 21, 2011

on the table

Im the first to admit, okay, so its completely my own doing, that this ostentatious photo taking of the sewing table daily is proving how unconditionally, outburstingly mischievous I can become. I am so off-centre to my list
things are becoming compounded which is usual before market but this time im showing you all how it really is with me. Allow me to guide you through my afternoon of sewing.
We have baby slippers and some tags the teenager hole punched and strung while I bribed him with an online shopping foray of his favourite skate brand.

Aviator hood patterns in sizes 0 - 5 that I didnt even know I was making till they were done and dusted.
Who would have guessed? They still pass as upcycling, well sort of (what im supposed to be doing in case you werent here 3 days ago) so am I off the hook? Perhaps youll allow me that, once ive made more that one singular, still pom-pomless effort.

Some Juniper boots fully lined but the general consensus is that they look even better inside out.

The slow but sure additions of embroideries for the wrap dresses.

I will get through the mountainous array of dresses, the junipers, the slippers and the zesty hoods and although I am becoming aware of the self inflicted entanglement that is my market prep, ive already reached the place where I wish I had one. more. day.

I leave you here, with a view of whats on the table, hopeful that overnight a miracle happens.
If anyone has any tips they are very welcome to leave them in the comments. 


zofia said...

Good luck!
No tips here. I am notorious for leaving it 'til the last minute.
I could come and help! Your sewing area looks way more organized than mine.

Frankie and Ray said...

Oh dear, wish I could offer something more useful than sympathy! You'll get there. Yes, you will.

Jennie said...

I'm no help either - in the end it usually ends up being a few v late nights i'm afraid!
I'm hoping to do a sort of market soon - but haven't even unpacked my fabric yet! (too much else is getting in the way - you know?!)XX

Sally said...

So much wonderful goodness. All of it lovely. Good luck with the remainder of your market prep.

willywagtail said...

I think your overnight miracke is actually you. I've never seen such a whizz for sewing up heaps. Had Darryl here today patching up holes where I. um, drilled through a water pipe. I showed him your family holiday pictures and he told me how enjoyable that time had been. Have a good nights sleep for tomorrow. Haha. Cherrie

Elisha said...

I think the only reason you write lists is to rebel against them completely and come up with some fabulously amazing design like those aviator hats.... and in that blanket... they are awesome!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with for girls???

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