Sunday, May 30, 2010

a versatile blogger award

Last week I recieved an award from The Moerks and Ive been searching my brain trying to come up with some things to write about but there was no room inside my head for anything but the necessary stuff like keeping up with housework and kids and feeding everyone on time (when they walk in the door) so Im just going to have to start this post and see where it leads! Before too much time passes and I forget to mention a huge Thankyou for thinking of me.

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are to thank the giver (tick), then list 7 things about myself and pass the award on to 15 others. Ill probably do more or less than this number, sorry for bending the rules.

I might need to pop the kettle on while I procrastinate a bit longer. Hang on....
Can one of the seven things be my new teapot? Im sure it can!

Number 1.
 My teapot! (which I imagined breaking before I got it home as that was the way last week felt it was heading). My search for the perfect pot had been extensive and lasted about a year and a half. No. Wait! Its been almost two years now. Shame on me for taking so long to choose but im an instant love kind of girl. It has to be love at first sight for the things that ill be using everyday in my life. I mean ill be waking up to this pot for many years to come. See Matchbox at D.F.O. for a great basics selection.

Number 2.
Time for procrastinating is over. Unless I talk about the fact that I procrastinate! Yes! Thats it! 
It was lovingly pointed out in a friendly email today by a nice lady that we, she and I, have this in common. 
Now I know a few of you are on the same page and are probably nodding your heads while they are embedded in the sand. A difficult thing to do you would think.
Im gonna be really specific here.
These are the things I procrastinate about.

Waking up.(I can pretend im not awake)

Having a shower.(our shower here is evil and I burnt my stomach and my feet the first time I used it cos I was too cocky and thought everyone else was exaggerating how touchy it was)

Getting dressed.(I hate my clothes and should be sewing more right now but im PROCRASTINATING)

Eating breakfast.( I dont like eating in the morning even though its 'the most important meal of the day')

(okay youve guessed im not a morning person but I would secretly love to be and I often try to trick myself into getting up and walking the dog before I realise my mistake)

Finishing patchwork quilts. There. Ive said it. I love to start them but if I cant finish them in a day they sit there. For years it seems. The first one I started 8 years ago is still unfinished. I probably only have another 2 hours to go and it will be done. Why cant I give myself the gift of completion?

Number 3.
I rave.
I realise the part where Ill admit to raving will be one of the shortest of these 7 but I have nothing to add to this.

Number 4.
I like to draw house plans in my spare time as I can imagine the spaces and rooms as I draw them and walking through it I envision the light coming through the windows. Maybe a missed calling as an interior architect, who knows? I would never have completed a project anyway. I did make a model once so I could spin it around to watch the light flow in from different aspects. We never built that house.

Number 5.
I havent hung one iota of fabric by way of a curtain in this new abode even though every single day since weve moved in I fully intended to put them up that day! The rods are on the floor ready to go in every room and the cordless is plugged in and everything. But no! Not a curtain in sight. Oh! Did I mention before about how the neighbours can see in to half of our rooms. Uh huh.... dumb. And I have a shortage of storage space so if I did put the curtains up it would solve my storage issues in the linen cupboard which irks me constantly as well!
Could I get more stupid?

Number 6.
I think im organised.

Number 7.
I dont like cooking for my family, I only enjoy it when other people are coming for dinner.
I dont know why. If I knew why, would I then be able to finally enjoy it because I could turn my thoughts around?

Now for the fun part. Who to pass this on to....

DorothyBills because Id love to know more about Eleesa.
Sara from InTheLightOfTheSun. Come on, enlighten us.
Lets have some good old crazy talk from Michelle @ MishMaccas.
 Kate @ Foxs Lane because, lets face it, who doesnt want to know more about this creative lady?
Beccasauras because she loves to share and is good at it,
and Abbe from CopperPatch because she doesnt rave. Need I say more?


The Moerks said...

For someone with out much room left in your brain you did very well. In fact it was a little spooky reading it. I think we are a little alike. I have a number of unfinished quilts, lots of house plan doodles and no scrim or lace curtains dare cross my threshold. Simple blinds are all we have. Congrats on your well deserved award.

small forest said...

That was last week. This is now!

Kate said...

I love this post and learning a bit more about what goes on inside your Textured Leaf mind. Thanks so much for passing it on but oh the pressure...what to write about...hmmm...will have to think about this one. X

Sara said...

Hooray and congratulations to you!!
oooh why thank you miss wendy for this lovely little insight! i too am a procrastinator but i promise not to dilly dally on passing this award along! can i pass it back to you, for more intruguing insight?! xx

small forest said...

I guess so, x

willywagtail said...

Wow!! It seems we have fair bit in common. Like not wanting to get up, shower and get dressed. They seem like such a wast eo fimportant time that I could be doing other what? Well, just other things. And cooking is such a waste of time because either no-one likes it or they scoff it all up in no time and all that hard work is just gone! Do you want a time limit set for your curtains so that you get them up. I'm sure you could find someoune to hold you to account. It would help. Everyone here knows not to ask me to hem their trousers because the last lot I did took me 8 months for 8 pairs and I only did them when I found out she had cancer. Nice reading about someone else who is so similar. Cherrie

small forest said...

Yes, we do have a fair bit in common it seems. Funny you mention the curtains because I started putting them up yesterday after posting about my idiocy/laziness.
It happens, x

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