I found this remarkable and simply
inspiring blog late last night. These tips may come in handy for a fresh start to the new year. Ive been doing a fair bit of sorting out and cleaning for the good part of a week now (Ive promised myself to do a cupboard a day). The best advice I ever got from an older woman was when things start to overwhelm you on the home front just simply do one room a day. It works too. I dont know about anyone else but Im the type that has really big plans at the start of the day and then things slowly get to me and I only get some of the things done that I wanted to do. Instead of stepping back and being happy with
what i accomplished I seem to focus on what i didnt get done. Silly, I know. Well, enough about me...Go on and take a peek

( image haust)
I'm exactly the same way. I go to bed feeling sad that the day hasn't gone the way I'd like it. I wake up all renewed and ready for a better day...and then the kids whine and give me a hard time about getting up and such. And then the mood is pretty much over right there...
I agree, doing one small thing can make all the difference in the world. Now do I follow this advice? Rarely...
Erica, thanks for your comment. I actually enjoyed doing the early dishes today. I found myself thinking and planning only to say 'hey, whatever will be, will be' and from that moment on I have had the most wonderful day!
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