Wednesday, September 5, 2012


for the moment we housesit this house that we found out about in the eleventh hour.
two days before we moved, one day before the mr heard he had at long last received his redundancy.
happy doenst even come close to how im feeling since the big news. we are both over the moon with the possibilities that this life change will bring. the mr turns fifty next year so the timing couldnt be more right.

i have a tiny little table to one side of the living space to sew at, and sitting here stitching away at clothes for the shop, ive found im allowing myself to dream up all kinds of wonderful. for as long as this housesitting lasts 
i will continue with the dreamy because ive decided that it is a good stage to be at. life, for a while there, had been too much about getting things done and writes as a big blurry smudge on the page of my year.

this is why i wasnt able to be present to this space that i have always loved and relied upon.

no words were forming some days. most days, i admit.

coming highly recommended by my friend eleesa, i found that the ease of instagram was the fast fix i turned to although the last thing i wanted was yet another challenge. its easy, fast and it fixed me by filling a void while i couldnt blog. three days in a row ive been back to here and i think im getting back on track with a little bit of normality. 
heres hoping! 

Monday, September 3, 2012


i didnt feel like i wanted to close shop during the move. so i didnt. instead i placed an announcement on the shop page over at etsy, that i wouldnt be taking orders until we were settled in again, however i somehow never counted on no-one seeing it, even though its there for literally all the world to see. 
so then, me being me, by the time the seasons began to warm, so did i (to the idea of sewing custom items), and the orders that have begun coming in thick and fast are welcome. 
but im left wondering why they are orders for more jackets?!

if youre loving the blue dress above its available in the shop. i cannot take credit for this lovely piece as i kind of placed my own order for it with a good friend who made it for me while i was side tracked with all thats been going on. 
if you look closely, the jackets above are still buttonless at the time of photographing them for their listings, such is the way of things at textured leaf studio for the moment!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


here are a few bits and pieces of our old home that we have left behind now. shots quickly taken before the final moving day, which we're still reeling from by the way.
it struck me while i was packing up, especially when i stopped in my tracks at seeing this blanket label, that things would not feel homeleigh for a while yet.

 im missing the old place daily but focusing forward on what the next adventurous weeks will bring. and i mean adventurous.
we will soon be heading off to cambodia again (its been a whole year already),
which will give us plenty of time to unwind and sketch out some sort of plan for our next year or two, and since the mr has just taken a long-wished-for redundancy, there will be just the perfect amount of adventure i think, dont you? 

speaking of the mr, he flew back to his home country new zealand in the wee hours this morning, while im left behind to hold the fort, studying, keeping the shop updated (barely) and somehow saying goodbye to navarh, adelin and violet, who move back to perth this week to be closer to her family. but before you all go wondering how this must be sad for me, im so overjoyed for adi's mum to have her only daughter return home that i find im not sad. not yet anyway. 

tomorrow will be our last day together for a few months but with new baby almost here things seem exciting enough and the distance doesnt seem to matter. im going to become very good at skype.

one day in the not too distant future you will see me setting up studio in a whole new place.

hopefully with some new inspiration to add to my line. after all, theres nothing like a new baby in the family for inspiration.

i dont quite know what the next few months will bring or where we will end up settling, but for now i have to be settled being content. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

leaving this garden

soon this place wont exist. 

it will be razed to the ground. so in the next couple of days before we leave i want to capture some of the beauty of this lovely deep garden so ill be able to look back. not something i like doing usually. i prefer forward. the mr is the one who looks backward.
there are still some plants that i will be saving from the rubbish pile. as many as i can fit in the van in the last load on the final day. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


ive been living in the laundry.
since the horticulture course began all i have been seeming to achieve is not keeping up with the washing with a bit of dishes thrown in.
but me being me ive managed to make this laundry life eventful anyway.

having the couch potato sick for five long weeks with multi bugs meant night sweats where he would go through all the linen in the house in a repetitive three day turn around. and even though he is nearly eighteen all he wanted was company for movie watching and cuddles. then one night while i was at the other end of the house looking at new places to rent (im well. and. truly. over. the laundry flooded and i was forced to wash everything right there and then even though it was raining big time cos id gotten to the stage of throwing things on the floor closing the door and walking away.  

then there was the day i decided that washing a vintage feather pillow was a good idea, you know, to decontaminate it from all the sickness in the house. well...after it burst inside the machine and took me a whole evening to figure out how to deal with, im still vacuuming the drier after each use and have had to throw some darker clothes away. all of this while i should really have been dealing with the packing.
a few feathers still remain floating in and out the door but we are well on our way to having things in boxes by the end of the week and meanwhile i have hit a kind of all time high in the etsy store. 

i thought about having a giveaway for all of you nice people but i just cant right now so ill surprise you one day later on. this time i actually know what im sewing for once instead of having to ask.

we move out in five days! eeep

Saturday, July 14, 2012

new banner making

Im trying to figure out a new look banner for some advertising and also a cohesive one for the Etsy shop. A singular image that I hope sums up what it is that I do, which is design and make patterns from scratch, then add embroideries along the way. So far I have photographed some pattern paper with embroideries underneath showing through....

And otherwise im still in holiday mode so have been sharing the love with Rustico, taking him for water play at the beach.

Friday, July 13, 2012

winter holiday

The Mr surprised me by sending me away on a holiday to stay with a girlfriend last week.
We had both been trying to get up to Sydney for a few months but it just wasnt meant to be, life being busy and work commitments etc. 
Since I will begin a course in horticulture this coming monday it was the last chance to get away before it starts.

Wasnt my holiday room gorgeous?!

Esther has a fantastic eye for all things vintage, way back she and I spent a fair amount of time opshopping together 20 years ago. I should have been ready, as I was barely off the plane and we had already stopped at our first opshop where she bought a painting (below) and I found myself a great red bag (pictured above) that I began using right away. I love when something becomes instantly yours, in the way that you wondered how youve done without it all this time?

She and her family live on an island so we spent a fair amount of time on boats and I got a bit weathered and wind burnt. One afternoon was spent canoeing and we got back just before dark fell. 


 I got to visit markets as a spectator for a change, (its been a while) and I was totally spoilt with cuddles from her four kids and as much apple crumble as I could fit.

Next time I wont be leaving my man behind. I felt guilty enjoying the moonlight on the water without him.

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