Wednesday, September 5, 2012


for the moment we housesit this house that we found out about in the eleventh hour.
two days before we moved, one day before the mr heard he had at long last received his redundancy.
happy doenst even come close to how im feeling since the big news. we are both over the moon with the possibilities that this life change will bring. the mr turns fifty next year so the timing couldnt be more right.

i have a tiny little table to one side of the living space to sew at, and sitting here stitching away at clothes for the shop, ive found im allowing myself to dream up all kinds of wonderful. for as long as this housesitting lasts 
i will continue with the dreamy because ive decided that it is a good stage to be at. life, for a while there, had been too much about getting things done and writes as a big blurry smudge on the page of my year.

this is why i wasnt able to be present to this space that i have always loved and relied upon.

no words were forming some days. most days, i admit.

coming highly recommended by my friend eleesa, i found that the ease of instagram was the fast fix i turned to although the last thing i wanted was yet another challenge. its easy, fast and it fixed me by filling a void while i couldnt blog. three days in a row ive been back to here and i think im getting back on track with a little bit of normality. 
heres hoping! 


Alicia Langford said...

Nice little sewing posi you have there, enjoy it, thanks for the lovely chat at the opshop the other day sparkly eyes :)

Maxabella said...

You're back, but you're not really back. I miss you!

I will be back in two weeks... hint, hint... x

Lotti said...

Nice place to be house sitting. It looks lovely. I'd be loving it if I was there to ..... so nice and open.

Kat McNally said...

Hi there, what a beautiful space!
Thanks for being a part of Blogtoberfest, hosted by Cathy aka {tinniegirl} last year. Thought you might be interested to know that we're running it again in 2012. You can find all the info at:
And we're kicking off this Monday! Would love to see you there.
Kat xxx

CHRIS said...

Hi there, just happened upon your lovely blog and have joined to follow. I so enjoyed reading of your adventures. Happy days to you. Chris.

Zane Wooder said...

I'm hoping this new life change brings you a higher level of happiness. We all want you to be happy.


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