Thursday, April 11, 2013


im just going to begin typing words and see where i end up...
 ive been back making ladies wrap dresses again. playing around with embroideries and placing deep pockets on an updated folksy style. im loving making these once more plus they are selling faster than i can make them, which helps, only thing is i cant seem to stop, and neither are the orders. ive never stuck at making something for so long before now. i usually move on very quickly.

 just between you and i, ladies have been waiting for me to make more of this wrap style
 as far back as october last year. eeek
and i didnt feel like making them. double eeek.
 well im so glad thats all changed around now and ive got my sewjo back in full swing.
can someone please come up with another word to replace sewjo?
ill be most grateful.

i got this red fabric overseas when i was in a holiday mood. can you tell?
its not my usual type of print is it...

realising that mexicana is in trend right now im going to part with some much-coveted-by-me embroideries
for some dresses, however ive been saying that for about a month and have yet to cut one up.

this was one that sold before id finished making it. boy thats a terrible blurry shot (sorry).
the whole peter pan collar thing is not me, but ill now happily make them for others. only not joyfully or gleefully.
i had been fighting against doing this type of doiley placement for so long, but ill concede and give you ladies what you want. give me the folksy vibe over twee anyday.

this shot is from a day of making on instagram.

join me on there as smallforestshop if you like :)
see... im even doing smiley faces in here now because of its influence!

catch you!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


hello people who have been waiting for me to get sorted, (waves)
and a welcome hello to a smattering of new followers (jumping and waving)
here i am awake in the middle of the night with possibly too much on my mind, even for me,
 so have finally updated the fabric sample page. well... who would have thought hey? definitely not me thats for sure.
this has been needing serious attention let me tell you, but its been so sooo long that ive forgotten alot of blog basics. like how to set one up with certain links in place as a page attachment, like i said.
the basics. 
which makes me get more annoyed with myself for not keeping up with this space. but it couldnt be helped with all the upheaval of this last year. were still not quite settled in tot his new place so when you see me homemaking and rearranging its my attempt to ground myself and feel nestled. especially when im in the garden which is my happy place right now. the mr's too!
its time to get back on track and, as always, with the changing of seasons its easier to get back into the swing of things and breathe fresh new life into something neglected.
 so here is the link for those of you who would like to see whats in my stash right now.
and ive just heard the first kookaburra for the day so should go back to bed while i can.
mum and i have a girly day planned around appointments so you just might see some pictures of what we get up to...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

making this home

ill try to fill you guys in. 
heres the as-short-as-is-possible-for-me version of life for the last six months.
wait, seven.
weve been in this house in country victoria for around five months. 
being us, we slowed right down with all things normal and decided to do the unusual for a while. lots of odd things that had been on hold. both of us got highly creative when we first landed. which only made us frustratingly disfunctional with the everyday stuff, but most times choosing to laugh about life as we know it now. 

to further explain why i havent been here-here,
all the usual technology wasnt up and running at first so i couldnt get back to the blog right away like i had planned. 
to add insult to injury we get incredibly bad tv reception which i dont really mind, unless i want to watch Grand Designs or garden shows, but if i never know when they are playing then i really dont miss them.
would like to watch The Block. ive only seen the first season.


we went away a couple of times, because you can when you dont have anywhere to live.
one of those times to meet our sublime
new grandson in perth. this boy is perfection. although he is rather large and is wearing the same size clothes as his almost two year old sister.

up til now our main income has been my clothing business so
over the summer holidays i booked myself into way too many markets. way more than i could handle. 
 i hung on crazily restocking in between weekends, which wasnt difficult when the mr went way beyond the boundaries of required support. always coming with me on market day, but this simply added a bit of fun. i like having him with me.

these days things are slowing and settling down nicely. probably because the markets round up soon

i started setting the table for breakfast like my grandparents used to do. 
im almost, almost in a routine. but fighting it just the same. 

i forgot to mention the main choice of this country move. to be closer to my mum. 
she pops in everyday and its wonderful to be nearby sharing the everyday stuff. 

theres the deepest linen cupboard here imaginable and blankets fit on the floor inside. not the ones ready for the chop. theyre upstairs in another deep cupboard. 

the storage in this place is a womans dream as its hidden cleverly inside walls but the house itself has only one drawback. theres no bath. 
and we are big bath people. i want to put one in the garden

im still moving things around and am
doing a bit of reshuffling this weekend, while the mr is away on a family fishing trip.
i didnt want to go, even though the grandbabies would be there. i simply wanted to use this time to clear some long overdue designs from my head and get them to the cutting table.
i like having the solitude plus i still have college for another few months.  

the real bonus is that we have a green house. 
its what caught my eye when i was scrolling through real late one night 
when all the rental houses were starting to look the same. 
im still almost pinching myself of a morning that we're finally here and
 making this home.

thanks for waiting out there for me to come back to. it would have been really weird of you werent.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



im just in here saying a huge thankyou to you wonderful ladies
 who popped in to leave me a comment,
for finding my blog for me,
and basically just letting me
know that all was not lost.
ive been trying to get back here forever!
 and i mean 
f  o  r  e  v  e  r  !

i dont know where to start to explain so i wont.
but im very, very grateful that you are all still here. may have noticed,
ive done a little house rearranging with the new name and all, and ill be filling in the blanks
soon enough, with updated links to the side bar to get things back on track. 

boy i have missed the way
 this place helps me sort my daily thoughts, giving me the creative focus that someone such as me craves, 
not to mention all of you there to listen to the ramble. 
i cant find anymore words at present so im outa here for tonight. 
for now im simply happy to be back.
its been real let me tell you.

ps. for those of you who popped by the other day, ill be emailing you
personally with a little surprise i have in store. so please make sure ill be able to contact you via your profile

catch you tomorrow!

Monday, February 11, 2013

help needed

im in need of some assistance.
if you are able to view this page then hooray! 
thats wonderful, for i myself am having issues getting into my own account, so am having to perform a bit of problem solving.
If you are able to read this and have the time i would very much appreciate
your help by way of a comment so that I know if you have been and that access is possible, 
but mostly to give me a glimmer of hope. that im on the right track.

i did something silly and changed the name of my blog around a week back to 
Small Forest Shop Blog
since then things have been weird.

so im going to say thankyou in advance and ill be keeping my fingers crossed!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

a very unusual happening

a very unusual happening happened. 
unless you are on Instagram (i am well and truly on it) you may not know that
a bit of dressmaking has been going on in the new studio this past week. 
summer dresses for women is what ive been endeavouring to achieve all summer and hadnt, which led me into today when a customer unwittingly forced me to return to the blog and post a sample page. til now i never realised how it might be possible for someone else to make this happen, for as far as i was concerned i would remain the master of my own fate, no matter how seasonally challenged i had become.
i have been trying to get back to here since the beginning of this year which is, or now was, a self imposed deadline that was never meant to be.
and now im here again, not quite finding the words of proper return but ill muddle through anyway.

the ladies wrap dress samples are below.
i do have more, as any of you who are on Instagram are aware, if youve seen the studio makeover that just happened, so i will try to update again within the month.
for now happy browsing and please leave a comment to place an order...   

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