Ive been thinking of doing a tutorial on bias-binding for a while. It has come to my attention that people tackle it different ways. Its such a nice way to finish off edges and maybe, just maybe, theres someone out there who'll read this and try it if they never have before. Hopefully ill make it seem easy. This is how I do mine.
If youve seen my earlier post you'll know that I like to make my own from linen and pure cottons, this is what ive used here. They are good fabrics to use because you can finger pleat them as you sew them on and they'll stay in their folds readily as they are the type of fabrics that crease easily.

Sew the binding on to the inside edge making sure that both the fabric and the binding are upside down when they enter the machine.
armhole being trimmed to size
I dont cut the binding to size before I sew it on as 9 times out of 10 it will be too short, plus I dont like to waste even small pieces of it. Trimming the ends neatly is helpful at this stage, cut straight across the binding as you will find it easier to start the top-stitching

Pin at the important points where you will notice if you sew it wonky or you will see the stitching come from underneath, also at the seams as its hard to sew thicker parts on ( I go very slow over these bits)
If you are doing a wrap dress that has ties that extend past the ends of your hems then begin sewing at the ends of the straps... this way you can continue sewing all the way around and end up with one professional single line of stitching.

I like the finished result to be as slim-line as possible.
Just do the best you can and happy binding!
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