Saturday, July 14, 2012

new banner making

Im trying to figure out a new look banner for some advertising and also a cohesive one for the Etsy shop. A singular image that I hope sums up what it is that I do, which is design and make patterns from scratch, then add embroideries along the way. So far I have photographed some pattern paper with embroideries underneath showing through....

And otherwise im still in holiday mode so have been sharing the love with Rustico, taking him for water play at the beach.

Friday, July 13, 2012

winter holiday

The Mr surprised me by sending me away on a holiday to stay with a girlfriend last week.
We had both been trying to get up to Sydney for a few months but it just wasnt meant to be, life being busy and work commitments etc. 
Since I will begin a course in horticulture this coming monday it was the last chance to get away before it starts.

Wasnt my holiday room gorgeous?!

Esther has a fantastic eye for all things vintage, way back she and I spent a fair amount of time opshopping together 20 years ago. I should have been ready, as I was barely off the plane and we had already stopped at our first opshop where she bought a painting (below) and I found myself a great red bag (pictured above) that I began using right away. I love when something becomes instantly yours, in the way that you wondered how youve done without it all this time?

She and her family live on an island so we spent a fair amount of time on boats and I got a bit weathered and wind burnt. One afternoon was spent canoeing and we got back just before dark fell. 


 I got to visit markets as a spectator for a change, (its been a while) and I was totally spoilt with cuddles from her four kids and as much apple crumble as I could fit.

Next time I wont be leaving my man behind. I felt guilty enjoying the moonlight on the water without him.

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