Tuesday, February 23, 2010

six degrees of separation

Well its not quite six in some instances and more than six in others but the thoughts that this old saying conjures up will give you an indication of where I wanted to go with this. Play along if you please.

Ive been visiting a few memorable blogs this past week in my down time. Blogs that I still have images from when I go to sleep at night. Im sharing my favourites here in case you havent come across these gems.

So grab your cup of tea. Click on the links, and be inspired.

Belle Maison for quick fix interior motivation plus drool worthy images. Weep freely. No one will see you.

My Owl Barn for giveaways but more importantly up to the minute websites of note. Not to mention heaps of owl love. Wonderful!

The Paris Market & Brocante for all the francophiles out there. Lots of street scapes and markets. It almost feels like im back there...... almost.

Fits & Starts & Crafts one cool chic thats got something going on. Really creative and she makes me laugh.

DanielleQ Curiouser and Curiouser she has a nice fresh natural writing style and shares her daily family happenings openly with all of us. Her little ones are gorgeous!

willow sculptures by patrick dougherty

Have you heard of this amazing sculptor, Patrick Dougherty?

Gardening is on my mind at the moment and I happened across his work. What an amazing mind he must have to conjure up these forms.

This one gets a bit fuzzy enlarged so I had to shrink it.
Arent the ones in the snow so ethereal?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

free vintage prints

I had a visitor here the other day from my owl barn and I always like to do a bit of visiting of my own.

Well, Im so glad I did as her blog is all about owls. My mum has always been a huge fan and of course growing up with someone who loves them, it is kind of contageous.
She has found a wonderful site for free vintage prints.
Yepp. Thats right. Free.
 And gorgeous.

Take yourselves over there right now I promise its a real feast.

These are just two that I wanted to look at a little bit longer.  I have a couple of stones in pieces of jewellery that I still dont recognise so this will come in handy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

even more white in the country

More 'White in the Country'.
Our renovation in Warburton, Victoria.
Above is the staircase after just being constructed and in a very raw state, complete with problem plumbing pipe from the ensuite that would have to be dealt with somehow.

If I knew it was going to look this good I probably wouldnt have taken months to finish it. Two bug infestations later. In forty degree heat. After the first coat of lime wash. If youve ever limewashed anything this means that if you sand back anything (meaning hardened bug carcases) it alters the wonderful effect you were trying for and you risk it looking whited out completely. May as well have just painted it plain white to begin with. Much simpler. I consider myself lucky.

This gives you a great indication of how I tackled the pipe. I couldnt bear to waste the space I had gained so opted to build (yes me on my lonesome) a decent sized linen cupboard. I was going to put a door on it but it really looked homely just the way it was.

This is a close up of the ugly cumbersome stair rail that we inherited with this place. These are in way too many australian homes if you ask me. The two lower bars were removed and we painted it white. (They are normally in dark stain wood look)

Here you get a glimpse of what we were dealing with and the sheer darkness of the wood stains.

A good friend built this over a weekend and he gave us a crash course in welding (my hubby had done it before but I hadnt). Im totally hooked especially with the forging part. It happens very quickly and you almost cant believe your eyes. Beautiful curves made by fire.This ended up costing only $340 for the steel. Although we did have to purchase the welder as well. 

I hope to inspire you to deal with ugly features that you want to change around your home. It took us three long years to decide to take the plunge with the stairs. I wish we had done it the very first weekend!

Friday, February 19, 2010

slowing down

while one was here

another was here

so I led him here

to show him this

and another

he showed me his jump

'I can go higher'

and his sun mask

he took this 'no. ill just look tired'

'wait. theres something on me'

'do they bite, mum?'

'no! rustico'

'are you sure they dont bite?'

 'mum, get a close up'

were finally slowing down
its nice

hoping you have a nice slow weekend

embroidery circa 1964

My latest find, embroidery circa 1964

Ive saved the best til last. This little gem is on green linen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I used to work in a Polish restaurant and this tiny little creature visited me while opening up one day.
 Life is full of unexpected moments that make you laugh. His shadow was 5 times his size. Shame I seem to have cut off his head and ears, they went for miles. I found a humourous photo taken by Camilla Engman over here. Its quite brilliant.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my creative space

Im tired of lifting things so ive been decluttering and placing some things in nice spots around the new abode.
I never ended up tackling the washing pile as promised either. Had a nice cold beer instead. Its been 2 days now I have more to do and cant because the washing machine isnt leveled yet and the level is back at the old place. Tried the water level thing and gave up cos one adjustable leg is rusted into the highest position. Getting back to reality is gonna take me a few more days yet. Its funny that when you cant do the normal things that that is exactly what you want to do.
Ive filled 2 boxes full of stuff so far. Its a great way to feel good instantly, isnt it? Ill sleep well tonight. Thought id take some shots for the sake of progress.

Im off to take some furniture to a girlfriend in need and dismantle her shed (its free).
Were gonna need it to store all those things that I cant quite part with yet.

Be sure to check out what others have been up to this week over at Kootoyoo.

a walk in the park

This is a true story and it happened last october......

Once upon a time in London, beyond a gate

there was a park that seemed endless

canopies that divert the eye skywards

branches reaching for sunlight

lovely foliage and grand pine formations

a perfect home for woodland creatures 

mr and mrs squirrel are preparing for winter by the look of things

sorry to disturb you but would you happen to know the way out?

couldnt find it with all those trees in the way.

And in a sidestreet waiting for us was this place. Love the name, dont you.
Guinness anyone?

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