After I had tidied my lounge today I decided that I was so sick of my cushions I felt like throwing them away immediately. I get like this at every change of season.
The cushions you see have wandered to this room from various other rooms in the house and only two of them were purposefully made for here, astonishingly enough. Needless to say, these uninvited ones were promptly thrown into the washing machine (not the bin as that would be silly), and are now on the line, and will be stored away for next winter.
I looked through my pile of covers and found one leafy one that would be nice and fresh for summer but needed a couple more in the blueish colour range to match and tie in the black one, which I had decided to keep as it is very soft and also my husbands favourite.
Here is the result of my afternoons sewing...
I found a tablecloth with just the right amount of blue to be summery and to mix with the black and red one i was keeping.
I chose aqua because its my favourite colour for summer. I do love different versions of it throughout the house at all times of the year.
All of these fabrics were bought at different times too, even different years now that i think on it.